We want to know when we are doing something well so that we can keep doing it, as well as when there are areas in which we can improve so we can make necessary changes.

You can let us know about your feedback directly, or someone can talk to us on your behalf.

You can provide feedback to us by:

Filling out the online feedback form available on the Purple Support website (below), and we will contact you to discuss
Calling us on 08 7969 8513

You have the right to provide anonymous feedback, but please be aware that this can limit our capacity to investigate a complaint. Please be reassured that your feedback is covered by Purple Support Privacy Policy.

If your feedback is a complaint, you have the choice to lodge your concern externally with the NDIS Commission.

To assist you in making a complaint, there is a Purple Support Easy Read Guide: ‘How to Make a Complaint' available through this link. Click Here

Thank you for your feedback.

Fill out the form below for compliment and Complaints

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